Francis Hopkinson writes to Benjamin Franklin about current events. At the end he includes a poem called "The Dog & the S[c]unk: an historical Fable."; Correspondence and a fable "The dog and the skunk"; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Ross to Nathanael Greene. Smith's Tavern - Acknowledging favor of 23d ult. Exceedingly distressed for want of carters. Has not yet received his monthly returns; must insist upon them being sent at the close of every month.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Ross to Nathanael Greene. Philadelphia - Acknowledging favor of 20th inst. Is sending an account of his issues for a year ending May 1, 1779. Busy making returns of stores on hand and persons employed.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Ross to Nathanael Greene. Lancaster - Enclosing a return of stores on hand and persons employed up to the 1st inst. Desires some printed blank for returns.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Ross to Nathanael Greene. Lancaster - Acknowledging favor of the 19th inst. Difficulty of engaging carters. Number of teams and horses on hand.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Ross. Sending a return of stores on hand and persons employed. Accounts ordered not yet finished. Six very fine teams on hand, ready to be forwarded to camp. 150 new wagons promised by April 1.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Ross to Nathanael Greene. Lancaster - Badness of roads and furry of troops passing through prevented his sending on the returns of January. The requests in his letters shall be strictly complied with.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Ross to Nathanael Greene. Lancaster - In consequence of repeated directions, has had advertisements struck and distributed through his district, calling on the people to come in and make settlement. So far only six persons have applied. Some other expedient might perhaps be better.; American Philosophical Society